Resistance Welding

Joyal Products, Incorporated

P.O. Box 1187 – Linden, New Jersey 07036 – USA
908-486-6100 – FAX 908-486-6013 – E-Mail: [email protected]

Pressure Chart for resistance welding machinery in both Inch and Millimeters (based on common Inch measurements), for air (pneumatic) cylinder operated equipment.

Slope Control offers many advantages when resistance welding. Up-Slope provides a cushioned heat to properly seat the welding electrodes prior to maximum energy being applied. Down-Slope provides an annealing heat after welding has occurred. This paper describes both functions for AC and DC welding.

Statistical Process Control (SPC) Overview. These files show computer output screens, as well as other information, on data collection and data analysis using SPC techniques for monitoring the Resistance Welding, Commutator Fusing, and Wire Fusing processes. To properly monitor these processes, a correct choice must be made of what data combinations, from the process, must be collected. This SPC Overview provides some understanding of the use of SPC for these processes.

Resistance Welding SPC Overview for Windows (1.2 MB) for use with a computer using Windows-95/98 (32K) or Windows-3.1 (16K).
  To install this overview, down load the file, From windows:
     Select RUN from the Program Manager File Menu.
     [For Windows-95/98 select RUN from the Start Menu]
     Type a:spcsetup (or b:spcsetup) and press <enter>
     Follow the on-screen instructions
     Double click Joyal’s SPC Software Overview

Resistance Welding SPC Overview for the Macintosh (842 K) for use with a Macintosh Computer
  To install this overview, down load the file:
     Double click Joyal’s SPC Software Overview

To obtain an Adobe Acrobat reader click on the “Get Acrobat” icon  

The MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) Page where MSDS are available for materials that Joyal offers, and for which these sheets are required. These MSDS are in the Adobe Arcobat format. You must use an Adobe Acrobat reader to view this data. Acrobat readers are available from Adobe’s WWW Site for the following computers: DOS;   Windows; Macintosh ;  UNIX. These is a down-loadable link for these readers on the MSDS page.