Wire Fusing

Joyal Products, Incorporated

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SN-Fusing is a discussion of the SN-Fusing process for joining insulated and/or non-insulated electrical conductors, detailing its history and theory, as well as explaining a number of the actual SN-Fusing fusing methods, such as Tube-Fusing, Fuse-A-Wire connections, Commutator SN-Fusing, Hot-Shoe Fusing, etc. The SN-Fusing process creates an electrical connection, in less than a second, that is a diffusion bond or weld. When working with film insulated magnet wire, prior removal of the insulation is not required, as the insulation is automatically removed during the fusing process.

Translation of the above SN-Fusing paper into Spanish
Traducción de Ingles a Español de SN-Fusing

Fusión-SN (SN-Fusing) es una discusión del proceso de adherir conductores eléctricos, con o sin película aislante, detallando la historia, teoría y una explicación de varios métodos de Fusión-SN, como son: Fusión con Tubo, (Tube Fusing), Fusión-SN de conmutadores, Pie Caliente (Hot Shoe) etc. El proceso Fusión -SN forma una conexión eléctrica, enlace por difusión, en menos de un segundo. No es necesario remover la película aislante del alambre magneto previamente, esta es removida automáticamente durante el proceso de fusión.

SN-Fusing, is a method of joining copper or rich copper alloy wire or terminals to similar materials without prior removal of any magnet wire film insulation. This process also can be used to eliminate brazing on very large motors (truck starter motors and traction motors) when joining winding lead wires to a commutator. The process is described in a reprint of paper entitled Joining Copper Conductors Using Tin-Fusing, by Mr. S. Karpel, a staff member of the International Tin Research Institute (England) that was published in the Institute’s Quarterly Journal, Tin And Its Uses.

Slope Control offers many advantages when fusing. Up-Slope provides a cushioned heat to properly seat the fusing electrodes prior to maximum energy being applied. Down-Slope provides an annealing heat after welding has occurred. This paper describes both functions for AC and DC fusing.

Tang Termination allows the joining of copper or aluminum film insulated magnet wire to a very simple, but versatile, terminal without prior removal of the wire’s insulation. The insulation is removed during the fusing process. Both, an excellent electrical as well as mechanical connection is obtained. The Tang Terminal can be built into electric motor commutators, coil winding bobbins, alternator slip rings, etc. This paper details the history, theory, design and operation of the Tang Termination Process.

Statistical Process Control (SPC) Overview. These files show computer output screens, as well as other information, on data collection and data analysis using SPC techniques for monitoring the Wire Fusing, Commutator Fusing, Resistance Welding processes. To properly monitor these processes, a correct choice must be made of what data combinations, from the process, must be collected. This SPC Overview provides some understanding of the use of SPC for these processes.

Wire Fusing SPC Overview for Windows (1.2 MB) for use with a computer using Windows-95 (32K) or Windows-3.1 (16K).
  To install this overview, down load the file, From windows:
     Select RUN from the Program Manager File Menu.
     [For Windows-95 select RUN from the Start Menu]
     Type a:spcsetup (or b:spcsetup) and press <enter>
     Follow the on-screen instructions
     Double click Joyal’s SPC Software Overview

Wire Fusing SPC Overview for the Macintosh (842 K) for use with a Macintosh Computer
  To install this overview, down load the file:
     Double click Joyal’s SPC Software Overview

Fusing and SPC describes some very basic principles of SPC, and Six Sigma that are used to monitor and possibly control the Fusing process. This paper covers Commutator Fusing, SN-Fusing and Tang Fusing, The principles described could also apply to Commutator and Resistance Brazing and possibly Spot Welding.

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